In particular, today I'm revisiting the type-lift. Should we just say that x in D_e are singletons of individuals, p in D_st are singletons of propositions, and be done with it?
Perhaps we should. Here are the benefits:
--solves the problem of OR-coordinations for nodes in D_e
--unifies account with DPs?
--solves the problem of independent composing for wide-scope OR
--limits the use of FA to OR/AND, EVERY (?), MIGHT/MUST: ie, operators on sentences. (this doesn't work for "every". Still worried about "every"...)
--if we, following H & vF, take the i variable to be tacit in the syntax--in fact, even if we don't but we like Yalcin's Hamblin-inspired modal resolution semantics--we have a nice result: MIGHT relates a pair of sets-of-sets.
[another way of putting it: we have independent evidence from *each* argument MIGHT takes that the types of the arguments should be sets of propositions rather than just propositions.]
Note though that:
--we still need an exception for the logical connectives and the modal operators; that is, we appear to need both HFA and FA.
--what does this do to the pragmatics?
--we have the "every" problem.
Running with the "every" problem...
this seems to suggest that when we have an operator that coordinates sets, we gotta type-lift the sets. So [[every]] takes a pair of sets of properties. We can give an entry for this:
...does this entry clash with our nice system up above???
Here's how it might be phrased as an objection. It seems like the truth conditions of
Every guest ate or drank
require early unioning: Ax[guest(x) -> (ate(x) or drank(x))]
But if we require this, shouldn't we reject our semantic entry for "or", which passes up undigested disjuncts? There are several solutions here. One could give an entry for [[every]] that achieves this effect:
[[every]] = \lambda f \subseteq D_et . \lambda g \subseteq D_et . \forall x[x \subseteq Union(f_n in f) -> x \subseteq Union(g_n in g)]
...but I'm not sure this is the way to go. It is theoretically expensive in our new system because it requires FA rather than HFA, and we had previously restricted FA to operators on propositions.
[LIGHTBULB! If we move the quantifier, maybe we actually DO have an operator on a proposition: Every guest 1 t1 ate or drank. "t1 ate or drank" could be type-lifted to a proposition. Must investigate this.]
Here's how resistance might go, though. The inference
(P) Every guest ate or drank.
(C) Therefore, some guest ate and some guest drank.
Sounds good to me, but not so strong I'd want to call it semantic. I might just resist here.
What does Simons have to say about this?
"the examples suggest that the presence of an operator--perhaps simply of a quantifier--can, and in some cases perhaps must, put a halt to the independent composition." (17)
"I...tentatively suggest...[that] we simply have a choice in these cases, i.e. the compositional possibilities are not completely determined by the syntactic structure. Independent composition can halt at any node where there is an alternative option for composition, ie whenever composition arrives at a head, such as a modal, which can combine with a set argument directly." (20)