Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stalnaker's 3 pragmatic principles & me

...these 3 principles being from ``Assertion."

1) A proposition asserted is always true in some but not all of the possible worlds in the context set.

In other words, a proposition asserted is always true in a proper subset of the context. What this means for a partitioned common ground is that an assertion of [[A or B]] is a bid to reduce the common ground--to throw out some worlds that are neither-A-nor-B worlds. I'm not sure this is right. "Or" can just as well be used to introduce possibilities, or [in Stalnaker's own words] to ''make explicit'' that neither A-possibilities nor B-possibilities are being overlooked in the common ground.

Perhaps a better thing to say here would be: an assertion of a disjunction is always (like an assertion of anything) a bid to change the common ground in some way.

2) Any assertive utterance should express a proposition, relative to each possible world in the context set, and that proposition should have a truth-value in each possible world in the context set. (Otherwise, it wouldn't be determinate how the context set was to be modified.)

I'm somewhat worried about this one--but this worry seems to be of a piece with worries about what possibilities are supposed to do. If I say (demonstrating some object in the room): "that might not be here," I guess the claim is just...well, false. It's hard to think of a case where what I say might not express any proposition at all.

For the "expansive" function of disjunction, it can be used to cancel presuppositions: "the King of France is bald, or there is no King of France." C.f. Heim on presupposition projection for [[A or B]]:

3) The same proposition is expressed relative to each possible world in the context set.

Now, this can't carry over, since conditions on the information state don't (directly) put conditions on individual worlds. But the need for this maxim is reduced if the effect of a sentence is specified directly in terms of its effects on the context set; then, the detour via expressing a definite content at each world is unnecessary.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Does disjunction have scope?--Part 2

...yes, of course it does (of course, of course, of course!) It displays scope interactions with NEGATION, doofus...

Joe doesn't like coffee or tea.
Narrow = Joe doesn't like [coffee or tea].
= Joe doesn't like coffee and Joe doesn't like tea (by De Morgan's law).

Joe doesn't like coffee or tea--I can't remember which.
Now the "or" scopes wide.

Does disjunction have scope?

....trying to return to simpler questions today.

Case 1. Suppose Mary says,

Mary: I want pizza!

Later, Joe reports her utterance by saying

Joe: Mary wants pizza or cheesecake.

Is what Joe said true? My instinct is that it depends on some scope distinctions in the LF of what he said. On one reading (the wide scope one), what he said is correct: for it is true that [Mary wants pizza] or [Mary wants cheesecake]---it's true because the former is true. However, the narrow scope reading--Mary wants [pizza or pasta]--which is really

Mary wants [Pro has pizza or pasta].

seems false to me. Why? Simply put, because this is only true in Case 2:

Case 2. Mary says,

Mary: I want pizza or cheesecake.

Reporting this, Joe says,

Joe: Mary wants pizza or cheesecake.

Now this seems correct on the narrow-scope reading. (Is it correct on the wide-scope reading? Perhaps. I'm really not sure. I think I should probably say "yes.") The scopes should "match": if the disjunction occurred in what Mary said, then the disjunction should take narrow scope with regard to Joe's attitude report. However, if the disjunction is added by Joe as a result of his faulty memory ("...but I can't remember which") then the disjunction takes scope at the level of the attitude report--hence, wide.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Partition-and-visibility semantics: a primer

Initial problems have to do simply with things an agent neither seems to believe nor seems not to believe:

(1) George believed(?) that England could avoid nuclear war with France.

[Well, he believed that England could avoid war with France, and that entails (1), so...yes? But intuitively, worlds where England has/avoids nuclear war with France are not in his belief state at all.]

(2) The detective believes(?) that the chauffeur didn't do it.

[Well, he believes the butler did it, and that entails (2)...but the problem is the same. The detective hasn't considered the possibility that the chauffeur did it; he overlooked the chauffeur.]

Solution Stalnaker's suggestion regarding distinguishing between active and passive beliefs. To do this, we model the agent's belief state as a space of relevant alternatives (the possibilities he recognizes) and carve his set of belief-worlds out of this set. Active beliefs are beliefs true in every world in the belief-world set. Passive beliefs are any beliefs that are entailed by this, but involve entailment via unioning with things outside the set of relevant alternatives. This is the problematic feature of the entailment from "avoid war" to "avoid nuclear war" and the entailment from "butler did it" to "chauffeur didn't do it." In short: George passively but not actively believes that England can avoid nuclear war, and the detective passively but not actively believes that the chauffeur didn't do it.

Problems with Solution 1. Sometimes unioning can be achieved in the belief proposition itself: for example, although George only passively believes "England can avoid nuclear war with France," he actively believes "England can avoid war or nuclear war with France." Likewise, the detective only passively believes that the chauffeur didn't do it, but he actively believes "either the butler did it or the chauffeur did it."

Moreover, "every possibility left open by one's belief state is a fortiori relevant" [since the belief state is a subset of the relevant alternatives set.] In short, there is no distinction between active and passive possibilities (they are all active so long as they aren't ruled out by an agent's belief state.) Yet that seems to be precisely what's at issue in the detective case and in the King George case: the possibility that the chauffeur did it, and the possibility of nuclear conflict, aren't "seen" by the subjects' belief states (even if answers to these questions are entailed by things they already believe). Stalnaker's answer is to exclude e.g. chauffeur-did-it worlds from the detective's belief state. Maybe a better alternative is to include these worlds, but to make them somehow inaccessible.

Solution 2: Subject matter/question/resolution sensitivity.
"A state of belief still determines a set of (maximally specific) possible worlds, but only insofar as it determines a coarser set of possibilities from the partition of logical space in question. We could call this latter set a belief partition. Call a partition of logical space used in this role a modal resolution...Realistic states of belief are relativized to finite resolutions." (Yalcin 4)

"With resolutions of logical space now in the picture, we can try using them to characterize belief content which is, in the desired sense, available."

Actively believed propositions are unions of cells of the agent's belief partition. We shall say these propositions are visible to the resolution. Passively/implicitly believed propositions are ones which are entailed by the belief partition but fail to be a union of some set of cells in the partition. This is formulated in:

"Resolution Sensitivity I. An agent's total state of belief is representable as a partial function from questions to answers." (5)

Let's pause over this for a moment. The function is partial simply because there are some questions which put too fine a partition on W for the agent's state to determine an answer. Ask a question that carves along my parition, and I can give you an answer--even if it's "I don't know." Such a question cuts along my partition but my belief state doesn't rule in any answer.

Now how do we deal with the detective and King George? Well, King George does believe that England can avoid nuclear war with France...but he doesn't actively believe it. Does he actively believe that England can avoid war or can avoid nuclear war with France? No, because the union of an invisible and a visible region gives us an invisible region. Mutatis mutandis for the detective.

However, we still supposedly have the "crazy conjunction problem": for any p, q, r s.t. p iff q & r, if you actively believe p, then you actively believe q&r. Prima facie counterexample: I can believe I have two hands when I lack the concept even number, and when I lack the concept prime number. But if I actively believe I have two hands (rather than one, or three, etc.) then I actively believe that I have an even prime number of hands. The problem is that, while the two propositions are invisible, they intersect to form a visible proposition (and of course my belief worlds are a subset of that proposition.)

Dever and Heim

Dever considers the significance of "going dynamic" with regard to Heim's theory. Sort of---he talks directly about Groenendijk and Stokhof's Dynamic Predicate Logic (DPL), but as far as I can see the points will carry over. Dever has two criteria for Dynamism, which involve a violating of one or more of the following principles:

Continuity: C[\eta] = Union of i \in C: i[\eta]

Introspection: C[\eta] \subseteq C

I will say right away that something seems wrong with Continuity: it doesn't apply to modal operators, or any sentences containing modal operators, since you can't evaluate a modal operator at a world (you could consider the world as a singleton, but that would involve copying the world parameter into the i parameter--far from trivial! Surely it is more accurate to say that Continuity simply false for modal operators).

Problems with Introspection simply involve accommodation. If we have it that accommodation is our only means of expanding C, that might be a bit odd: there doesn't seem to be a good reason to hold that assertions must always reduce C. Someone who holds that must lump all violations of Introspection over onto the pragmatics (I say this on the assumption that accommodation is a pragmatic phenomenon---I've never seen anyone deny that)...and that just seems ad hoc.

Now that I'm done ranting about our criteria for "STATIC-NESS" vs "DYNAMIC-NESS," onto the substance of Dever's comments. In DPL, like for Heim, the effect of an indefinite NP is to "open a new file"--that is, to add one member to Dom(F). Dever characterizes this as a "variable reset":

"The points from which states are built are no longer simple possible worlds--the conception that lay behind much...previous discussion. States are instead assignment functions, mapping variables to objects from a given domain.
[variable reset formula]...For example, updating a state consisting of a single assignment function \f on a tautological existential quantification Ex(x=x) will result in an enlarged state containing all x-variants of \f." (40-41)

I only sorta understand Dever's variable reset formula, but as far as I can tell it is the same as Heim's: even if all I say is the tautological "a thing is self-identical," at a context, the indefinite must (on pain of infelicity) be bearing a novel index, and so the file is updated with that new index--even though the card has no nontrivial information on it yet. This is taken to be a violation of Introspection because the points under discussion--I guess they are assignment-world pairs--expand rather than contract as a result of the semantic processing of my utterance.

The next part is interesting, since Dever goes through a bit of an epicycle regarding the importance of this move:

"[T]he violation of Introspection can appear, on examination, rather shallow. Introspection fails only for the existential quantifier [for Heim, read: indefinite NP], due to the value reset. The value reset occurs only as an artifact of the formal system, via the decision to make the very same variables available for anaphoric reuse. Were we instead to require that every quantifier, and hence every anaphoric sequence, had to be modeled by a novel variable, there would be no need for value resetting, hence no need for non-Introspective behavior. Each variable could, discourse initial, be associated with a maximal range of available assignments, and all update could proceed Introspectively." (pg 41)

There is a lot going on here. First, it isn't quite right, as far as I can tell, that in Heim's system an indefinite acts as a value reset--rather, it telegraphs the presence at LF of a novel index. So no resetting happens at all. As Dever will go on to say, the choice between the two ways of setting things up is quite trivial from a technical point of view. However, it is NOT true that Heim's system is Introspective, since the effect of an indefinite NP is to expand Dom(F).

Dever then suggests that making the semantics introspective in the way he suggests--by having all indefinite NPs bear a novel index--is a move would come at some cost:

"...But this proposal misses an important fact. The existentials are playing not just the semantic role of value resetting, but the broadly pragmatic role of providing a peg for discourse reference. If all variables begin maximally reset, then there is no remaining semantic function for the existential quantifier--any existential quantification of a variable would have to be the first occurrence of the variable, and the existential will simply reaffirm the maximally reset status of the variable. But if there is no semantic function for the existential, we lack DPL's semantic explanation of the role of existentials in licensing subsequent anaphora...
In addition to the truth-determining assignment functions, we need a dynamically developing collection of discourse reference pegs. The role of the existential then is not to reset...the assignments to a variable, but rather to expand the collection of pegs, and hence make available anaphoric connections. Adherence to STATIC is bought at the price of richer informational structure.
" (pg 42, emph. added)

The [translated into Heim-style] suggestion is that IF we adopt this patch to save Introspection, we strip indefinite NPs of any semantic function at all. Here's how this might be right: the occurrence of an indefinite NP telegraphs the presence of a novel index, but novel indices might appear on e.g. deictic pronouns as well; it is not the case that the semantic effect of novel index introduction is accomplished solely by indefinites. Moreover, such an introduction only has indirect effects on truth-conditions. However, I'm kind of suspicious of everything that's going on here: Heim's thesis is that indefinites are free variables. Surely it wouldn't be right to say that variables have no semantic value, or have no effects on truth-conditions; they are an essential ingredient in any semantics, static or otherwise.

So it seems that the question is still this: should we associate to

(1) I lost ten marbles and found nine of them.


(2) I lost ten marbles and found all but one.

...the same semantic value? Why not?--as long as we add that there is more to their effect on context than just their semantic value (in the sense of their truth-conditions)? We can add that the "further effect" is systematic and can be given a recursive treatment, and that a system which accounts for it can also (because of its added richness) account for all the strictly-speaking-semantic stuff too.

Perhaps the "why not" is answered by donkey sentence and bound-disjunct sentences. The minimal pairs differ not only in their felicity, but in their truth-conditions.

(3) If I get a platypus or an echidna for Christmas, my sister will want one too.
(4) If I get a monotreme for Christmas, my sister will want one too.

(5) If Andy is turning left or right, Jack is too.
(6) If Andy is turning, Jack is too.

(7) You may take a red card or a black card.
(8) You may take a card.

(9) Always, when I want to use the shower or the oven, my roommate wants to use it too.
[\neq whenever I either want to use the shower or the oven, my roommate wants to use the shower or the oven, too.]

This is an interesting thing because it differs somewhat from donkey data. For the donkey sentence, the problem was that it didn't seem possible to give the right truth-conditions for the donkey sentence using existentials; I assume this can be treated as a failure of compositionality in that the appearance of the indefinites in the sentence don't lend themselves to a compositional derivation of the truth-conditions for a donkey sentence on the traditional semantics for "a/an." However, the donkey sentence doesn't lend itself well to minimal pairs, since there doesn't seem to BE another way of saying what the donkey sentence says.

Anyway, if these minimal pairs go through, it seems to show that a disjunction cannot be analyzed as the union of its disjuncts. What I would like to do is to figure out exactly why this is so, and how it differs in the strength of its implications--as I think it does--from similar conclusions (such as embeddings of disjunctions in belief contexts). From the point of view of Dever's interests, though, what should we conclude?

If a "peg" can act as either an existential (when unbound) or a variable (when bound), then it certainly has semantic effects. Those semantic effects can be assimilated in the interpretation rules and a novelty-felicity condition, as Heim does. But this doesn't seem to me to diminish the semantic role of a peg, at all; as interpreters of speech, we couldn't know what the LF of an utterance was--and therefore, we couldn't even begin interpreting it--unless we knew which indices were novel. We know because of the placement of indefinites. Punkt!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Post-meeting with Prof. MacFarlane 4/12

A few quick suggestions:

A v B =? ~(~A & ~B)

try making scope REALLY REALLY obvious?

"The following is possible..."


"Either Joe said that..." [does this one work??...]

...And some summary of today's musings:

1) think of the need to add structure to possible worlds semantics (covers, partitions) and where it comes from. Is there motivation independently of this? Is independent motivation a good thing? Could it be that the difference between e.g. "a left hand or a right hand" and "a hand" is just pragmatic?

2) What motivations come from indefinites that is NOT like this?...Donkey sentences, scope-island escaping properties, etc.?

3) Need to address the semantic entry for "or" and whether scoping out all the way (when it's syntactically narrow) is really an option! This was not well-resolved (or at least not well-remembered.)

Cheat-Sheeting on Simons et al.

1a) What is Ross's puzzle? Exactly which modal operators does it arise for?

Ross's puzzle is the inference from

You ought to post the letter


You ought to post the letter or burn it.

What I am interested in is chiefly epistemic operators, so am abstracting away from some of the peculiarities of deontic operators. My example will be the inference from

Joe might be in the kitchen


Joe might be in the kitchen or the attic.

In particular, the latter seems to entail "Joe might be in the kitchen AND Joe might be in the attic." It is this felt entailment which we are trying to explain. Thus it arises for operators which are given truth-conditions in terms of existential quantification over some set of possible worlds. (I wish to leave to others the question of whether we really ought to analyze deontic "ought" and "may" this way.)

The question of the scope of the "or" relative to the modal is under debate here. One thing to note, though, is that the felt entailment does arise for both narrow and wide scope SS's: both

Joe might be in the kitchen or the the attic.


Joe might be in the kitchen or he might be in the attic.

...appear to generate the felt entailment.

2) What are the prospects for a simple Gricean, or pragmatic, explanation of the puzzle, according to which the inference is not strictly valid but nevertheless "reasonable in context"?

The prospects are not bad, but they appear to rely on one particular choice of LF. This is the wide-scope LF. We employ the Gricean-inspired principle that a disjunction is appropriate in context iff both disjuncts are epistemically possible for the speaker. We then extrapolate, in the epistemic case, to the possibility of both disjuncts with regard to truthmaking domain of quantification at the context. We will need some account of truth for unembedded epistemic modal clauses at a context for this, and we will need to employ some kind of S5 axiom.

In a nutshell, I think this often works. But it has two weaknesses. The first is that it relies on an undefended syntactic assumption (the wide-scoping of the "or".) The only defense offered for this is that it (pragmatically) validates the free choice inference...but a semantic account might be able to get the inference semantically when the scope is narrow. The second weakness is that it does not generalize well to the deontic cases. So it is both (i) not fully general and (ii) not even a solution to Ross's puzzle in its original form (since the modality involved there was deontic.) The kind of conditions on deontic ideality which would need to hold in order for the inference to be generated pragmatically do not seem reasonable to me: that is, it should not in general follow that when something is possibly permissible, it is permissible.

However, it is worth noting that a major point in favor of the pragmatic analysis is the apparent cancellability of the "free choice inference":

You may have coffee or tea--I don't remember which.

Joe might be in the kitchen or the attic--I'm not telling you which.

3a) What are the prospects for a semantic explanation of the puzzle, according to which the patterns are valid?

I think the prospects are pretty good. But I appear to be in the minority here. The basic idea of the semantic proposal I'm in favor of comes from Mandy Simons. It employs a Hamblin semantics on which an or-coordination denotes a set whose members are its disjuncts, i.e.

[[Larry, Moe or Curly]] = [[Larry or Moe or Curly]] = {Larry, Moe, Curly}

The semantic entry for "or" on such a theory would be:

[[or]] = \lambda x \subseteq D_{\tau} . \lambda y \subseteq D_{\tau} . x \union y

This is a "flexible type" entry: "or" can join nodes of any semantic type, outputting a node in the same semantic type. However, the truth-function requires that the inputs to the semantic entry be sets. The easiest way to accomplish this is to adopt a Hamblin type-shift, according to which nodes denote singletons of their (old) extensional denotations. So, for example, [[Joe]] = {Joe}. We might call our "old" extensions "atoms" or "ur-elements" of the new interpretation function. (Thus one way of looking at this semantics is as "mereological," with atoms, and "or" is the "fusion" operation. )

The question now arises: how does composition proceed? We should use

Hamblin Functional Application: Let \alpha be a branching node with \beta and \gamma its daughters. WOLOG, assume \beta \subseteq D_{\tau} and \gamma \subseteq D{\tau, \pi}. Then [[\alpha]] = {a: Eb \in [[\beta]], g \in [[\gamma]] s.t. a = g(b)}.

While this looks a bit complicated, it's actually quite easy to see how it relates to regular FA.

NB, though, that we will need Regular FA to account for the semantic operation engendered by the "or" itself. (This is by far the most elegant way to account for it, although it expands our repertoire of composition rules.) Otherwise we will get what looks like a type-mismatch when we try to compose the function denoted by "or" with the first of its disjuncts.

3b) What is the intuitive idea behind this semantics?

The intuitive idea behind the semantics, for Hamblin, was that a question denoted a set of possible answers. (For him, the semantic value of a question word like "who" is D_e.) This puts a partition on logical space. The result is that when a question is posed in a context, it partitions the common ground for the audience. The audience's job is then to reduce the common ground by cutting along one of the dotted lines.

For Simons, the thought is similar. When an "or" is asserted in context, its function is to "divide up" (put a partition or cover on) some set. This presumably marks a "dotted line" along which our investigation is to proceed, with the eventual goal of eliminating or choosing one of the disjuncts. However, she can then give a definition for modal operators according to which the modal operators can do something else with the disjuncts: for example, they can universally quantify over them. Here's her entry for the epistemic modal operator "might_e":

[[might]] = \lambda {}, p1-pn \in D_{st} . ACC_e \subseteq Union(p1-pn) [Coverage] &
\forall pi, ACC_e \intersect pi \neq \emptyset. [Genuineness]

There are two separate issues here--which, I think, is important for the next step I want to make. FIRST, we want to keep the disjuncts of an or-coordination "separate." By some means, then, we shall give a semantics whereby [[p1 v p2]] \neq [[p]], where [[p]] is the possible-worlds-semantics union of [[p1]] and [[p2]]. (Intuitive examples: [[right hand or left hand]] \neq [[hand]]; [[platypus or echidna]] \neq [[monotreme]], [[nuclear war or nonnuclear war]] \neq [[war]].) There is a large and varied semantics literature reasons to and ways of doing this. [c.f. Zimmermann, Rooth, the association with focus literature, and the closure under entailment problems we looked at in seminar--these problems having to do with giving a semantics for "believes" statements etc.]

4) Can you compare this to other semantic solutions in the literature?

I don't know much about other semantic solutions in the literature (but I'll look at Luis Alonso-Ovalle.) Zimmermann conceives of his solution as a semantic ones, but I'd prefer to classify it as a pragmatic one, for a number of reasons. First, it is a wide-scoping view, and second, it is very far from general. So roughly it seems to have all the disadvantages of the wide-scope view while with none of the advantages (since there's no account of cancellability.) Frankly, Zimmermann's view is quite odd.

What I would like to do is try to sketch out an alternative semantic account, similar in spirit to Simons's, but one that takes up Partee and Rooth (1982)'s suggestion that the semantics of "or" should be assimilated to the semantics of indefinite noun phrases [the suggestion is 27 years old, but to my knowledge nobody has made good on it]. This would be a way of making good on a certain burden imposed on Simons by her account, which is to explain how unembedded disjunctions get interpreted. (To begin drawing the connection, note that (i) there is a deep logical connection between disjunction and existential quantification, and that (ii) indefinites give rise to free choice effects.)

Let me first sketch the problem for Simons, give her response, and then try to sketch the parallel with indefinite noun phrases.

The problem for Simons is that e.g. [[John sang or Jane danced]] = {John sang, Jane danced}. How to assign truth-conditions to this? She writes:

"Recall that the truth conditions for the modal/or sentences require the existence of a set which has two properties: it is related in a specified way to some other semantic object; and it is supercovered by the denotation of the embedded or coordination. Let's suppose that sentences containing or coordinations always have truth conditions of this form. We can achieve the intuitively correct results for [[John sang or Jane danced]] by [identifying the set to be supercovered with a factive common ground]. (18-19)"

What this means is that either (i) the common ground gets into the semantics, as in dynamic semantics; or (ii) the association of a disjunctive sentence with truth conditions occurs in the pragmatics, rather than the semantics. I'm not sure how best to gloss this, or whether this naturally suggestion should really be neutral between these two glosses.

Now I need to make the jump to indefinites. According to Heim, indefinites (just like disjuncts) have no quantificational force of their own. How, then, to account for scope?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Peacocke on Berkeley: Outline

First: claim that Berkeley was right about our inability to perceive an unseen tree. Then:
3 questions.

1) What is the nature of this distinction between what is in the image and what, in the same imaginative project, is imagined: "the question of the image/imagination distinction" (20)

2) Wittgenstein and King's college (or a clone?) being imagined to be on fire. "We will want to know what it is that makes one singular content rather than another a component of what is being imagined; and we will want to know why it seems that there is a sense in which it is absurd to suppose the imaginer might be mistaken about the identity of that content." [Both (1) and (2) are "the question of content"--(pg 20).]

The third question is why Berkeley is right about the unperceived tree (it is assumed that he is.)

General Hypothesis: to imagine something is always at least to imagine, from the inside, being in some conscious state. (21)

"the sense in which your imaginings always involve yourself is rather this: imagining always involves imagining from the inside a certain (type of) viewpoint, and someone with that viewpoint could, in the imagined world, knowledgeably judge `I'm thus-and-so,' where the thus-and-so gives details of the viewpoint." (21) [IEM]

..."the condition [of the imaginer] seems to be a conceptual truth. It is not just a reflection of each person's is a consequence of two conceptual truths: one of them is the General Hypothesis, and the other is that for each thinker, the content `I am not the person with *these* conscious states' is not epistemically possible." (21)

From this we derive the following more specific "constitutive hypothesis", the Experiential Hypothesis:

To imagine being [phi] in these cases is always at least to imagine from the inside an experience as of being [phi]. (22)

Peacocke writes that this "may seem uncontroversial: but I shall, in developing from it answers to our three questions, argue that it can be used in defense of Berkeley's doctrine about unperceived trees and in criticism of some received philosophical views on imagination." (23)

Imagining and supposing: "I shall say that these are difference [between e.g. suitcase and suitcase with a cat behind it] in which conditions are S-imagined to hold. 'S' is for 'suppose'--although S-imagining is not literally supposing, it shares with supposition the property that what is S-imagined is not determined by the subject's images, his imagined experiences." (25)

Back to the tree:
"In defending Berkeley's claim, I am not denying that one can imagine an array of physical objects and then make-believe that it is unperceived, or then conceive of it as existing unperceived, or make the supposition that it was, will, or might be unperceived. one may even imagine a tree and then, in a second imaginative project, imagine a world in which no one sees *that* tree. What I am asserting is only that if what is imagined is a physical object, then the imagined experience of the object is, in the imagined world, a perception." (30)


What do we philosophize about imagination for?
1) Berkeley: to show that idealism is true
2) Martin: to show that disjunctivism is true
3) Peacocke: ? [to show that Berkeley is right]
4) (me?) to investigate whether and how imagination is a guide to (some kind of) possibility
(Peacocke too: to rebut argument about our knowledge of other minds and the possibility of inverted qualia).

Or, we could come at imagination directly from the following puzzles:

The form of "imagines" statements: Compare
(1) Joe imagines flying above San Francisco.
(2) Joe imagines a brown banana.
(3) Imagine flying above San Francisco!
(4) Imagine a brown banana.
(Compare: "Joe wants...")

Berkeley, Martin, Peacocke
Hypothesis: To imagine is to imagine perceiving.

*****My view?****
Hypothesis: the content of (visual) imagining is the content of experience, in a hypothetical mode.

A worry: imagination is too subjective to serve as a guide for possibility; it leads us to psychologism and solipsism.

Reply: maybe yes, maybe no. We need an account of the objectivity of the content of imaginings. Indicative conditionals shall be our guide!

A tour of the philosophy of indicative conditionals.
"One standard way of approaching the problem....begins with the assumption that a sentence of this kind expresses a proposition that is a function of the propositions expressed by its component parts...[a conditional assertion is a standard kind of speech act with a distinctive kind of content--a conditional proposition.] But there is also a long tradition according to which conditional sentences..are used to perform a special kind of speech act." (Stalnaker 1)
*the content/force distinction--used, for example, in philosophy of memory. (Call the distinctive force "conjecture," perhaps,)

*a feature shared by both camps: the creation of a ``derived context" by the antecedent.

*Do indicative conditionals have highly context-sensitive truth-conditions (Stalnaker), or no truth-conditions at all?
"What must be granted is that in some cases, indicative conditionals are implicitly about the speaker's beliefs. We must allow that what I say when I say something of the form 'if A, then B'may not be the same as what you would have said, uttering the same words." (Stalnaker, 12, emphasis added)

What pushes Stalnaker to this conclusion? Consider cases like the infamous case of Sly Pete!


Another case: The miners!

Lesson: we must restrict reasoning in the scope of an assumption. Two ways to do this: limit the application of certain rules in the scope of an assumption (Byrne, MacF and K), or forbid discharging of an assumption (Heck?), or create more cases (me?)...